Goldschmied & Chiari


A journal for the future born out of Spring 2020. 
Against the queer moment, an ode to meditative thoughts and intimate creativity.


Roma 10:36 a.m. 11 maggio 2020 Eleonora Chiari in Untitled View, 2019



11 maggio 2020 – ore 10:36


Due ritratti allo specchio in due opere Untitled Views.

Noi, specchiate

nello stesso orario

nelle due città

dove abbiamo passato la quarantena.



Milano 10:36 a.m. 11 maggio 2020 Sara Goldschmied in Untitled View, 2017



2020 May 11th – h. 10:36 am


Two portraits in two works Untitled Views.

We, mirrored

at the same time

in the two cities

where we spent the quarantine.


